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Imagine Fantastic Film Festival proudly presents the theme and artwork for 2023: Fantastic Alchemy, with a cyber-alchemism artwork, made by illustrator Maarten Donders. The festival with cinema, shorts, panels, industry workshops and more, returns from 25 October to 4 November in Lab111 and the Filmhallen Amsterdam. Tickets are via

Fantastic Alchemy
Alchemy was once the practice in which science and stories met. Scholars, storytellers, wizards and chemists, wise and deceivers are committed to distilling the essence of life. In modern times, science and fictional stories are different and are seen as two different things. Alchemy has become the domain of fantastic fiction. At a time when science and feeling are opposed to each other more than ever, Imagine is investigating a model in which the two merge. Not to make gold from lead, but to get insights that transcend everyday.

The Artwork is an interpretation of the Fantastic Alchemy by Maarten Donders, implementing the Imagine colors in his vision of fantastic alchemy, virtual elements and traditional alchemy symbols.

The complete festival program and the international guests and events present will be announced in August. The main program Fantastic Alchemy is also extended in the “Digital Space” in the special Expanded/VR program Virtual Alchemy.

Keep an eye on our website and socials for updates on the programme and more!