With a special storyteller intro by Sarah Montazeri. Doppelgangers and stand-ins galore in this highly suspenseful Iranian thriller full of unexpected twists.

From her car on the rainy streets of Tehran, the young Farzaneh spots a man who is the spitting image of her husband. Her husband, meanwhile, unexpectedly runs into her doppelganger. In this highly suspenseful thriller, nothing is as it seems and every identity is suspicious. 

The latest film by director Mani Haghighi, known for A Dragon Arrives! (2016) and Pig (2018), is a highly suspenseful thriller full of unexpected twists about an Iranian family who run into their doppelgangers. This atmospheric Iranian film noir subtly subverts the expectations of gender roles and shows how easily lies can be accepted. Actors Taraneh Alidoosti and Navid Mohammadzadeh convince in their portrayal of the emotions surrounding their characters’ impossible situation. On the rainy streets of Tehran, nothing turns out to be what it seems. 

107 minutes
Iran, Frankrijk
Perzisch, Frans
(English Subtitles)
Mani Haghighi
Esmail Poor-Reza, Farham Azizi, Navid Mohammadzadeh, Taraneh Alidoosti